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Tell the FDA to Ban Statins

Research published in the journal Atherosclerosis concludes that statin use increases coronary plaques, which limit blood flow and can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Yes, you read that correctly. Statins, medicines meant to prevent cardiovascular disease, are actually causing it. It should be the nail in the coffin for statins, but the crony FDA won’t do anything to threaten the mega-profits Big Pharma makes off of the millions of patients who buy them. We need to force the agency’s hand by creating a public outcry against these dangerous drugs so they are taken off the market.

Send a message to Congress and the FDA, telling them to take statins off the market.


  • Your Senators
  • Your Representative
  • Food and Drug Administration


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Please take statins off the market

Dear [Decision Maker],

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[Your Address]
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